The Creators

letter from the authors FINAL
The Authors image

Amanda Lee

Amanda was born and raised in Maryland. From a young age, books have been influential in her life.  In middle school, “The Babysitter’s Club” inspired her to start a neighborhood dog sitting service, and “To Kill a Mockingbird” solidified her desire to become an attorney.  Amanda has always been fierce and driven but also empathetic and caring - making for an interesting yet successful mix!

Amanda embraces the philosophy “Work hard. Play hard.”  She celebrates any and everything. From big to small achievements, you can count on her to make it a party.  And to top it off, she’ll bring homemade cake.

Amanda is an avid runner who has run 8 half marathons.  She has 3 dogs and endless energy to keep up with her busy household! Although her partner has introduced her to fancy new foods through his amazing cooking, her favorite food is still pizza.  Her favorite color is blue, and her favorite number is the (un)lucky 13!

Shante Final Website Picture (cropped)

Shante Willis

Shante is a native of California but has spent many years abroad.  As a military brat, she lived in Germany, Turkey, and Korea. Shante credits her travels at a young age for giving her independence, open-mindedness, cultural awareness, and a love of adventure.

Shante is an advocate for increased diversity in literature and media.  She hopes her efforts as a media lawyer will one day help improve minority representation in media across the nation.

In her free time, Shante enjoys watching comedies. She loves to laugh and be around others that make her laugh.  She feels lucky to have found a husband with a few good jokes up his sleeves and kids who provide endless comic relief.   

She enjoys stargazing and relaxing in her bean bag room.  Her favorite colors are blue and purple (she also loves salmon pink and apple green), and her favorite food is pizza. 


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Kaycie Day

Born and raised in Virginia, at a young age, Kaycie began drawing silly cartoons for her friends and family. As she grew older, these same friends and family wanted her art on their bodies forever so she became a professional tattooer! Now based in California, she is still creating art and loves restaurant hopping to try different foods, but her favorite food will always be chicken wings!

Kaycie hopes to inspire young artists to never stop creating and always reach for their goals. She encourages them to share their art with the world.

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